Don’t Fall Behind: 3 Healthcare Marketing Trends to Prepare for in 2021

Three trends for healthcare organizations to watch

As 2021 unfolds, health care marketers will have their hands full. Needless to say, countering and adapting to the public health crisis remains a priority. Fortunately, the development and distribution of vaccines are well underway — to date, 48 million doses have been administered.

But, looking beyond the pandemic, what other marketing trends will continue to bloom in 2021?

UX Will Either be a Catalyst… Or Deterrant

As the industry shifts toward a consumer-centric model, healthcare companies must prioritize the user experience (UX). Blame the tech industry, but we’re accustomed to clean, simple, and fluid UX — we expect personalization across each and every stage of the patient journey.

Otherwise, we’ll look elsewhere.

How Healthcare Companies Should React

Providers and insurers must invest in and optimize their UX. That means updating outdated patient portals or company websites, automating email/text alerts, and incorporating A.I. to streamline processes. Learn more about improving customer strategy here.

Educational Content Will Surge — and Become Part of Awareness

The healthcare industry continues to transition to a consumer-centric model in which patients wield more decision-making authority. One way to aid this effort and ensure people make informed health care decisions is to educate them.

And it’s not like people are resistant to this type of content. According to an Edelman survey, 85% of people want brands to leverage their far-reaching platforms to educate customers.

Making Education Part of Your Marketing

Give the people what they want! Educational content is an excellent way to establish additional touchpoints with current and prospective patients. It will help people make more informed decisions and build brand awareness and loyalty in the process.

Telehealth will continue to grow

Telehealth services existed prior to the pandemic, but their usage has skyrocketed in the last year — for obvious reasons. This service will exist long after we’ve overcome the ongoing pandemic. Most providers now offer some level of telehealth services, but it will continue to be incorporated into provider platforms and service offerings.

Though long-term mass adoption may present challenges, the telehealth market was about $45 billion in 2019, well before the pandemic struck. According to Global Market Insights, the market is projected to exceed $175 billion by 2026.

How it impacts marketing

It’s quite simple: health care marketers must continue to build awareness for this service, educating existing and prospective patients. Telehealth isn’t going away, so providers should prioritize installing the necessary infrastructure and investing in marketing campaigns to promote this service.

A bonus trend

While it’s not specific to health care, remote work is another trend that’s more likely permanent than temporary.

Sepire’s CompliChain technology helps companies maintain their secure communication efforts in a remote work environment. Regardless of where you’re working from these days, Sepire’s internal Job Manager application allows users to create and manage ongoing projects – while delivering real-time analytics.

If you’re curious about our services or technology, let’s talk.


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