3 Ways to Boost Your Direct Mail Response Rate

How to boost direct mail response rate

Email or direct mail?It’s a popular back-and-forth debate among marketers. Many will argue the ROI and brand loyalty implications of these distinct marketing methods, but the most successful campaigns employ both email and direct mail to raise awareness and drive sales.

They’re simply two different players on the same team.

Instead of spending time comparing and contrasting, try applying these three email marketing techniques to your next direct mail campaign to boost response rates.

Add Compelling Visuals

Email marketing is a high-competition business. The average professional has about 200 emails in their inbox at any given time and receives another 121 every workday. Considering we have limited time and attention, that’s a lot to compete with.

So, marketers are charged with finding elaborate ways to increase response rates, like compelling subject lines and enticing offers.

Conversely, direct mail doesn’t have nearly as much competition. The average person only receives about 17 pieces of mail per week. On top of that, physical mail has a much longer lifespan than virtual mail – 17 days versus 17 seconds, on average. But don’t assume your mail will be opened simply because it’s delivered to your audience’s mailbox.

Even though direct mail doesn’t have nearly as much competition, you can still add appealing features to your postage to boost response rates. For instance, your outer envelope can include a visual teaser or bold copy to compel a person to open, such as “Urgent reminder” or “Last chance for a special discount.”It not only grabs your readers’ attention – but also sparks curiosity.

Related: Direct Mail Automation Basics and Benefits

Leverage Landing Pages

Email marketing employs the power of landing pages. Why shouldn’t your direct mail?Emails are effective tools for ushering potential customers to the next stage of the sales funnel. They can include calls to action and clickable links to drive visitors to a landing page. While physical mail isn’t “clickable,” marketers can use QR codes to connect readers to a landing page.

QR codes enable readers to scan a barcode with their phones, which will bring them directly to a specific web page. For example, you can include a QR code to a unique landing page for a limited time discount or free trial.

Plus, QR codes allow you to track campaign results, such as engagement rates and sales.

Related: The Secret to Making Lasting Connections with Your Clients: Direct Mail

Follow Up

Even appealing emails get lost in the fray. To combat this, marketing campaigns use follow-up emails to reconnect with potential customers. Whether the recipient didn’t have time or simply forgot to respond, a follow up can remind people of promotions or limited time offers.

Since it’s easier to ignore or miss emails, follow-up direct mail can increase your odds of engagement – or at least rule out uninterested parties.…

Related: Covid’s Impact on Direct Mail

Make the Most of Your Direct Mail

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