Automated Direct Mail: Why Automated Direct Mail is Key to Your Omnichannel Strategy

Automated Direct Mail in Omnichannel Marketing

Usually, when we think about developing a marketing strategy, it’s email campaigns, PPC ads and other channels in the digital space that come to mind. In the realm of marketing innovation, print is often still regarded as old-school.

Yet, print is far from dead and the response rate to direct mail is up to 30 times higher than to digital channels combined. You are however able to reap the benefits of digital innovation as well as the increased response rate of direct mail by adopting automated direct mail as part of your marketing strategy. 

What is Automated Direct Mail?

Simply put, automated direct mail is the modernized version of traditional direct mail. It is an entirely automated process which eliminates any manual intervention. Every activity usually involved in the direct mailing process - from designing through to mailing, and verifying addresses to personalizing mail pieces happens online.

Sepire offers our specialist knowledge in print and mailing combined with innovative technology to bring our clients the best in direct mail automation.

Our solution integrates with 100+ different solutions including Salesforce, Marketo, Braze, Blueshift, Hubspot - to name but a few. 

Benefits of Automated Direct Mail

Automated direct mail is an ideal way to break through the constant flood of digital communication and reach your desired audience without having to spend the time and resources required for direct mail. Here are some of the main benefits your business can enjoy when incorporating direct mail automation with the rest of your marketing efforts.

1. Trigger-Based Mail

Automated direct mail systems make it easy to set up triggers by identifying key events in a client’s life cycle. Through automation, the right marketing is triggered at the right time to the relevant customers. Simply set up triggers on your direct mail automation platform. At Sepire, we combine variable data printing and Inkit automation software to deliver trigger-based mail that targets customers at the right moment.

Related: Direct Mail Basics

2. Personalization at Scale

Adding a personalized touch to every piece of direct mail used to be a cumbersome and costly exercise. Direct mail automation allows for large volume customization with little effort and at a fraction of the time and cost. At Sepire we use dynamic content combined with Inkit’s direct mail software, to create personalized mail that increases your response rates and customer retention rates.

Related: Three Ways to Boost Personalization (without Jeopardizing Data Security)

3. Data Building and Targeted Campaigns

With automated direct mail, building data lists and setting up data-targeted campaigns become a much easier and accurate exercise. No manual input is required as the automated direct mailing system does the work for you. Your data lists can be segmented according to various demographics to make sure the conversations you are having with your customers are informed and happening at the most opportune time. 

Related: Three Marketing Strategies to Boost Patient Retention

4. Track and Test Campaigns

With traditional direct mail, tracking and a/b testing campaigns have been a nearly impossible task. With direct mail automation however, data is collected to give you the insights you need to know how campaigns are doing.

It also allows you to test numerous aspects like copy, design, personalization and more.

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Let’s Talk Mail

If you have put direct mail campaigns on the backburner, now is a good time to consider automated direct mail campaigns and reap the benefits of increased customer engagement and retention. Connect with our team for a demo here.


Seven Benefits of Using Automated Direct Mail


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