Learn with Leanne: Mailpiece Design Workshop at Chicago PCC (SOLD OUT)

Chicago PCC Mailpiece Design Workshop

First Rate Advice in the Second City

It’s been quite the month over here at Sepire—and we’re not even two weeks in. What started with an insightful, engaging, and fun trip to Indianapolis for the National Postal Forum gave way to our first ever webinar on the USPS Mail Growth Incentives.

But the dust has settled—at least temporarily. Because in just over a week, our Director of Postal Affairs Leanne Herman is headed back on the road to share insights and information with our friends at the Chicago Postal Consumer Council.

The topic? Mailpiece design and mailing requirements. The difference between this and her NPF session? A smaller audience and an extra hour dedicated to answering questions and providing the ‘hands-on’ part of her workshop. Space is extremely limited, so we encourage you to register today.

Proper Mailpiece Design Is More Important Than Ever

Design is important. It can make the difference between whether a mailpiece is destined for the refrigerator or the recycle bin.

But perhaps more importantly, design can be the difference between whether a mailpiece gets considered ‘Automation’, ‘Nonautomation Machinable’, and ‘Nonautomation Nonmachinable’. And when it comes to postage costs, those three terms can make all the difference.

And that’s exactly what our Director of Postal Affairs Leanne Herman discussed during her aptly titled National Postal Forum presentation titled Mailpiece Design / Mailing Requirements – A Hands-On Approach.

This day one session was filled with questions and answers, and was considered one of the more informative, interactive, and insightful sessions.

But don’t take our word for it. Cited as a top five NPF takeaway by Printing Impressions Senior Editor Toni McQuilken, Leanne’s presentation had people talking. After all, design is, was, and will continue to be critical for mailers. Especially in the wake of rate increases.

“[…] even the way a piece is folded can mean the difference of thousands — even hundreds of thousands in some cases — of dollars in postal costs. Understanding the intricate requirements for postal classifications, postal discounts, and mail piece design will help set a printer or mailer apart, becoming a trusted partner for brands looking to optimize their spend when it comes to what they’re putting into the mail stream.”

The workshop packed a lot of information into a very tight window. Between the presentation, the spirited discussion, and the time spent reviewing mailpieces, many attendees wished there was more time.

Luckily, for those in the Chicagoland area, there is.

Because on June 20, 2024, she’s running it again, this time without a hard one-hour cap.

Chicago PCC to Host Extended Mailpiece Design/Mailing Requirements Workshop June 20, 2024 (Sold Out)

It’s always hard to make time at something as intense and as jam-packed as the National Postal Forum. Decisions have to be made on what days to go, what sessions to attend, who to meet, and even what to pack. And that’s if you even made it to Indianapolis.

Whether you missed the opportunity to talk mailpiece design with Leanne, missed the Sunday session, or missed NPF altogether, we have some exciting news—at least for those of you in or around Chicago.

On June 20, 2024, the Chicago Postal Consumer Council is hosting their own Mailpiece Design/Mailing Requirements Workshop featuring our very own Leanne Herman.

Free for Chicago PCC members ($35 otherwise), this event will take place at the Fox Valley USPS facility in Aurora, IL and will offer breakfast and a two-hour workshop for attendees to learn about mailpiece design.

Event Details: Chicago PCC Mailpiece Design Workshop (SOLD OUT)

This workshop will be a "hands on" program to learn the basics of Mailpiece Design for Letters and Flats. Design rules and mailing requirements are key to preparing and presenting Automation compatible mail to the USPS. Basic design elements will be demonstrated and attendees are encouraged to bring their questions and mail pieces for discussion and review. 

UPDATE: We’re both thrilled and sorry to announce that as of June 17, the event has reached capacity. You may be able to sign up for a waiting list on the Chicago PCC website, but registration may be unavailable. If you are looking for advice on mailpiece design, postage savings opportunities, or want to discuss your next mailing project with a subject matter expert, we’d be thrilled to help. Please send us a message on our contact us page or by clicking the button below.

Get More from Your Mail with Sepire

At Sepire, we pride ourselves on our subject matter experts. From first contact to project completion, we understand the nuances and intricacies of print, postage, and process. If you’re seeking a partner with the skills and expertise to help you make the most of your omnichannel communications journey, you’re in the right place.

Get to know more about who we are, who we help, and how we do it—and when you’re ready to get more from your direct mail partner, drop us a line.  


Takeaways and Insights from National Postal Forum 2024


Undeliverable as Addressed Mail: Facts, Figures, and Fixes (Part 1)