Top Tips for Creating an Effective Direct Marketing Campaign

Tips to Improve Direct Mail Results

As with all successful outcomes, a clear plan is required to achieve an effective direct marketing campaign. But what does this mean and how can you establish a direct mail initiative that works?

Key Steps to Getting More from Direct Mail

Marketing expert Ed Mayer developed a winning direct mail formula known as the 40/40/20 rule. The basis of this formula is that the first 40 percent of a successful direct mail campaign is based on reaching the right audience, the second 40 percent is based on a valuable offer, and the remaining 20 percent focuses on the creative execution, format, and production of the campaign. But it can be broken down even further.

Let’s take a closer look at the various ways to ensure an effective direct mail campaign.

Understanding Your Audience

Ask yourself who your target audience is. Fully understanding whom you’re speaking to, is imperative to the success of your direct mail campaign. This helps to determine whether your offer is on point and guides the messaging of your mailing design and copy.

Know Kour Goal

The second step is to identify your goal. This enables you to create a relevant road map to achieving your goal. This is also a good time to identify KPIs to measure the success of your mailing.

Is There Value in Your Offer?

Ensure that your offer is valuable and beneficial to your target audience, while still being profitable. A valuable offer gives your target audience an enticing reason to purchase. Playing the value trump card significantly increases the chance of turning targeted prospects into buyers.

Strike While the Iron Is Hot

Now that your audience is aware of the value of your offer, don't let them slip away. Include a clear call to action so that the prospect knows exactly how to take advantage of your offer. It’s also beneficial to include target words to add a sense of urgency to your offer.

Related: Trigger-Based Direct Mail

Take it Personally

Research has shown that people are more likely to engage with a marketing campaign that they feel has been specifically tailored to them. Personalized direct mail helps to build trust between your brand and your target audience, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Aesthetically Pleasing

The ultimate goal of your direct mailing design is to draw attention to your business, service or product. The design should intrigue and invite your target audience to engage with your mail piece.Ways to achieve this are:

  1. By ensuring your fonts are easy to read. Helvetica and Verdana are ideal for direct marketing mailers. 

  2. Images should be high-resolution, ideally 300 dpi.

  3. Allowing enough free space in your design helps to ensure an uncluttered aesthetic.

  4. Short paragraphs and bulleted lists help with legibility and to create a user-friendly aesthetic.

Keep It Clean

Since your mailing list is responsible for 40% of the success of your direct mail campaign, it's vital to scrub your list, update changed addresses, and eliminate any out-of-date information. Learn why this is also key to an environmentally sustainable direct mail campaign here.

Direct Mail Formats That Drive Action

Direct mail formats include postcards, flyers, brochures, and letters.

The Sepire team will happily guide your choice of format and suitable paper printing stocks.The DMA reports the following stats with regard to actions taken by recipients of direct mail campaigns.

  • 92% have been driven to online or digital activity

  • 87% have been influenced to make online purchases

  • 86% have connected with a business online

  • 54% have engaged in social media

These stats should leave you in little doubt as to the proven benefits of a direct mail campaign for your product or service.Do you have any questions concerning your next direct mail campaign? Contact the Sepire team for support here


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